sábado, 20 de mayo de 2017

You'll touch the hand of God and He'll make you king

I'm going to start with some photos today,

This is going to be a special entry, full of details and stuff, obviously all about the Game Jam from the AEV.

First of all. What we did? Well, we did the best videogame of the Jam, the friday started with a poll about lots of themes, we voted from Valencia and Madrid via web, and the chosen was "Parallel Dimensions". 
Our game was focused on the story of the Schrödinger's cat (That we called Fat) that in different dimensions or realities is alive and dead at the same time. Our intentions were to do two kind of gameplay, in the dimension where the cat is alive was something platformer and "Metal Slug" at the same time, if you die you control the dead reality, where you must push with paw hits of the Fat's spirit it own dead corpse to the place where you died to revive. It's a good summary.

But in 48 hours you can't do lots of stuff, so we did a very hard version of a bad Metal Slug mixed with a hard version of a platformer game, in result, a very hard platformer game full of chaos and death. 
If we add the fact that our programmers were doing their first Unreal 4 game, the difficulties are bigger.

But they did an amazing job, I'm very proud of them because was a real challenge, a big one.

In our game the people was amazed with the visual section. When I introduced the game I didn't stop hearing people saying how much it looks to Little Big Planet or Little Nightmares, and that's very awesome! Especially because we didn't said in any moment to which game we should refer for the look.
We asked to some people -When you think about Schrödinger's cat, that was in a box, What kind of box comes to your mind? -And people always answered- A cardboard box, of course!-
And that's what we did, the cardboard world of the Schrödinger's cat.

So, to start imagining what kind of stuff can kill you in a cardboard world full of radioactive poison I started thinking about cat related things and in the experiment; the Schrodinger's hammer, a wool ball, a tesla machine, typicall platformer saws and then someone in the team said A BOX FULL OF TOXIC SHIT AND SAND! And I was like,,, Really? Well, why not,,,

And all the graphic part started there. Meanwhile David Torres was designing a sketch of the level.


Then, when David ended the sketch we started to build the platforms.

(David's Sketch)

At the same time he started making platforms, I was ending the props, It was the first night, so I did some props and then I would pass the relay to him to start building the level in Unreal.

(I made a little animation for the wheel too. We wanted that broken"touch" and imperfect rotation pivots)

So, for the first night I did 9 models, 9 uvs, 9 textures, 1 animation and the import of all the objects and their textures in Unreal, then I created the materials and in some of them the box colliders. In that moment David sent me his props, most of them without textures, and the Odyssey began. 

I had in total 6 props to build the entire level. And I was confused and a bit angry with the small amount of objects I had. But I began to move them all.

As you can see these are the only props that the project is using.
-The pink ones can't be used to make structures, bases or platforms.
-The blue ones are part of the treadmill.
-The black crosses were made too much after, the most part of them to decorate the background at the very end of the project.
-Only the red ones were used to build all the structures.

(Our PBR materials and textures ✌)

(A general view of our project in Unreal)

(I used the planks as decorative props even to make new ones! Were very creative pieces)

(Very nice to create big structures, wood cabins, even some kind of cranes or strange machines)

Maybe was the most creative kind of piece, but other ones were reused in lots of forms and places, for example the wood platforms.

The background was made using pieces that Alex Zacarès made for it exclusively almost upon the end of the project. I was a bit inspired by some memories I had of backgrounds of Dark Souls 3.

As it can be seen, we did realistic materials mixed with child drawn thingsl, like Fat or the pony. Fat has a weapon that I made after the scenery, the concept of it was drawn by a kid too.

And I think I did not leave anything to tell about my work in the game. 

Oh, oh, oh,,, no, I almost forgot, all the sound effects and the voice of Schrödinger was recorded with my voice! ALL THE SOUNDS! Was really funny to record. I still laugh when I remember it.

And well, now I'm sure that I don't leave anything for real.

After all the work the AEV gave us a diploma:

(Your game highlights to be the best game and the worst)

A bad joke or "word game" in honor to the Schrödinger's cat.
Why the worst? (Because is hard as Fu💥💥)

Finally, I'm going to left here links to the game that you can play it for free, some screens, trailer and the video gameplays that random people has made until today.

(minute 9:44)

Bye bye! 👏

jueves, 11 de mayo de 2017

Are diamonds impossible to carve.


Here again! :D

This time I'm going to be shorter than other times, At least in words. (Ummmm) 

I'm going to start with the sword project, first of all, you can see the sword finished here:

The Tempered Metal looks really cool, no? I love that beetle color! My favourite!
The city looks really good too, the WIP preview renders I took in real time are very interesting:

(Anaglyph version, If you have Red/Cyan glasses, take a look please!)

As I was saying, are WIPs, and we need to change the camera and the object's positions.

I'm discovering skills I didn't know I had, maybe are not really hard to known but I'm proud of it. For example I created a generator for substance that I called "Comic Outline", and It can be used to make an easy and well-looking Cell shading.

I did the test in the pictures of the city, as you can see, but the first test were on the sword, where I'm going to show how it works.

In the picture you can see how it works, the generator is based on the Curvature map, so it detects where the borders and curvatures are and paints a stroke on it. That's why the most round objects are black. The point is that you can change the degrees of the corners you want to paint (I'm going to show this step later), change the kind of stroke with a custom grunge map and more!
If I mix my "Comic Outline" generator with the halftone one I used before, you can obtain some interesting results too.

If we fix the degrees and add some layers we obtain this:

And works really good with colour too!

(In this one the degrees are not fixed 😓)

And now I'm going to show how it works an object with the custom stroke and custom degrees:

This is the Love Potion (From the Alchemy project)

And now with my Generator!

-This is a default close-up picture of the generator:

As you can see it makes random strokes with different flows and Thickness.

-This one with custom stroke:

And that's all about my "Comic Outline" Generator for Substance Painter :D

I did more bottles, but not with the Comic Outline, only with the Halftone one:

My goal was that "medicine brown" for the glass, I used a similar technique as the cobalt bottle for the color.


A deformed rose.

Basilisc venom.


And for last the Deadly Night Shade from Nightmare Before Christmas as Easter egg.


To end this Entry, Do you remember the Miratto-Chan I did for Ai-Chan?

Well, It has her like on Twitter! <3

That's all for now!