domingo, 28 de abril de 2019

Dying is learning to wait and living, living is learning to see in the dark.

Resultado de imagen de tohru hello

 Hi! How is all going? I wear it cool (I don't know if this expression is right in english but in spanish makes sense 😆)

I'm very impatient, counting the days to visit Japan, I used part of the time to apply in the company CC2, I'm very happy and full of optimism.
I'm still working hard in the Akihabara map, I don't know if some of the readers are looking the process every week, but I'm going to put some screencaptures here and explain a bit what am I doing.

To start, this is how the map was looking 4 weeks ago:

(4Weeks ago)

And this is now:

Cool right? Yes! I don't have too much time with my actual job that is not related to 3D, but all is advancing very fast, the light baking is not correct right now, but it's not important at this momment, I think that the next step is modeling some buildings more to make more depth, the next step is making more wood and planks structures, a bit of garbage and cars and fishes under water and at last some particles, I'm thinking about rain, steam, water drops, maybe more. 

Akihabara is one of the most awesome places of Japan and the place that I want visit the most, here you can see some of my references, that I'm not taking the 100% of the realism to make it a bit more fantastic.

Yes, needs more detail, but the basic structure and the important things are there. And that's very significant!

Well, that's all, was just a little update! Have a nice month!

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