Heyy! Welcome to the first year of the blog!!! First entry of the year too and of course, Happy new year! I hope you all had some nice holidays.
The summary of this one maybe can be,,, Styilized Food and Vending Machine, My Little Pony swords and a Star Wars turret,,, unfortunately there are things that I can not show yet from OVAL.
So,,, let's go!
I will start with the food stuff.
I'm really in love with this little food things, just look at that burrito xD

(Sssshhhh,,, secret stuff!)

I almost forget it! I have a vacuum cleaner too from the same project!

(hahaha) this project looks very crazy 😆
Now it's time to Pony swords!
I was on Pinterest and scrolling down saw some sketches that caught my attention. Were My Little Pony swords, and in little points of nocturnal mornings I'm doing this ones:
(Made by ChocoChaoFun)
I love to recreate very exactly the designs of the concept artists, but this time I did "nawt".

For the momment only Rainbow Dash changed the blade.
(Substance Painter capture)
(I'm going to be the king of stylized at the end, omg,,,)
But don't worry! not all my stuff is cartoon, Borja came again to save the realistic PBR from the abyss.
Star Wars turret Incoming!
(Reference picture)
(Final Render)
Borja told me to change the cannon to aim better, and I did it that way.
And that's all folks! :D
At last I invite you all to take a look to my Artstation! That now looks more simple and with less stuff, easier to look how the projects were done too.
Bye bye!