I'm here again!!!
@biakuray Biakuray
First of all, I want to welcome my friend Borja, that was working outside of Spain working a lot and I hard believe that he did an amazing job!
Yay! I know, it's a bit late, well not late but I know that I've been delaying this a bit! But I have a good reason.
This last weeks were really crazy at the office, and still a little mad, but more peacefull.
The bad part is that I'm a bit tired because of the overpower, but it's only a matter of time!

Maybe some of you noticed that I'm going to split this entry in some parts, that's because I have a lot of stuff to show you guys:
- Part 1: Little Red Riding Hood Videogame
- Part 2: OVAL
- Part 3: Cersaie
I'm going to explain a bit all of them. Part 2: OVAL is about the last news about the project; Part 3: Cersaie, Is about what I made for the Cersaie convention working on two VR projects, one for Azteca and one for PORCELANOSA.
PART 1: Little Red Riding Hood
This part is all about a videogame we are making for the Yuri GameJam 2017 (We have 1 month to end it)
First of all, the team:
(I made the logo) lol
@JuanGarciaBone Juan Garcia Hueso AKA Juanxo (Me)
The game is about an alternative story of Little Red Riding Hood, you can check our Devlog in Itch.io.
First of all I did some sketches to show to my partners my vision about the style we are mixing, and how I see Little Red Riding Hood. Based on a sketch I did some time ago.

(To see the pictures in higher resolution you can rightclic on it and open the picture in a new tab)
And after the GDD I continued sketching:

(Color Test)
At this point Borja told me that Red Riding Hood, was obviously looking like Kousaka Kirino.

Well was not intentional. In my most important manga learning phase I had as principal references to Kanzaki Hiro and Itou Life. That was the first reason, then I thought that Red Riding Hood was a blonde girl with blue eyes, the typical Tyrol Girl cliche.
But I was not happy with the sensation that Red Riding Hood was causing, so, I changed the eyes and shown that the hair is different to Kirino's hair:

After that, more sketches:

Then, I started with the Red Riding Hood model:
Then, some maps for the future substance part:
And of course, the texture:
At last, I should say that the awesome voice actress Rochelle Chiang, is going to do the voice of Red Riding Hood 😁
And that's all for now about the Red Riding Hood project, and the end of the first part of the entry.
The next one will be out the next week, so stay alert :D
See you again <3 Thanks for read it!
