Hello readers! here I am!
I was a little busy, If you read this blog you should know that I'm working in Innoarea Projects. Well, so I asked to my boss If I can show the material I'm working on, and he gave me green light! yayyyy! let's go!
I start. In Innoarea we are working on a VR experience for a company, I don't know if I can say names so I'm not going to do it. We must do some scenes with the interaction of changing in real time the layout of the materials. We are making it in Unreal 4, nothing new for me, but the challenge was that I had only 1 month to do it with my modeler partner Adrián and my mate Álex that does all the programming part and other cool stuff that programmers do. As you will see all the pictures are in a WIP state, so is not the final product, obviously.
(Substance painter first attempt)
(Possible final texture)
(Color variations)
The concept art team and the modelers are doing a great job. Personally my job has the difficulty of the material style. The cartoon PBR is very funny to create. Actually there are two notorious and recent games that has this style and are very inspiring.
For last, yesterday I went to the cinema and I've seen the new King Arthur movie, and I was really amazed because was really epic. So to take away my "game modelling" hunger I did the Excalibur in just a few hours.
The soundtrack is something really fresh for a movie of this kind. My sword, well, just cool (lol).
Thanks for read this again! See you soon people!