Hi!!! Here we are! 😀
I talked with the awesome mind behind OVAL and I can't show anything yet! (Daaaaaaaamn) 😓
so, the part 3... nope. sorry
But wait wait wait! I have some tests about stylized materials and hard surfaces that are really good to see! Just take a look please!

Well, the only thing is that I don't have a lot of material to show, because I was working in Innoarea and the yuri game jam and OVAL. So it's going to be a bit short I think. But good, I promise.
I'm going to start hard, so the first thing is... Hard surface! A cool Robot!
Well, was a texture test for a friend that bought on the Unity store this model, He told me to do a different version for a game. The results were really good, I took advantage and tried the plugin (that in that time was something new) Unity LiveLink that recently updated to being compatible too with Unreal 4.
Reminds me a bit to Call Of Duty 😭
I'm not very happy with the Uv's (That aren't mine) but with the resolution looks good, and in VR... WOW (My friend told me that looks really awesome) So I'm fully proud and happy!
Has some stuff to change yet, but is just a matter of time :D
The next are Stylized props! Like in Overwatch.
This one is an old version of a gun (Not modeled by me), now is updated by other artist in model and texture.
A Turret system that matches with the gun. (I only did the texture)
And an assault rifle that matches the robot :)
(Again, the model is not mine)
And that't that, I don't have anything more to show :(
I know, a bit short but It's all I have and I can show.
But don't worry! The next time I know that I will have lot's of stuff to show! I'm sure.
Just come and see again please!
See ya' and Merry Christmas and happy holidays for everynyan!

BTW, P.D. If you don't know what to do this holidays, just watch Made in Abyss (Recommended by the good Santa Endevian) a nice anime show about an awesome world with magnific stuff and good music.
